Football Manager is a puzzle game, after all. It's a lot of games really - and that, if you were wondering, is part of why I love it - but it's a puzzle game first, I reckon. Because it's about fixing things - solving things - and getting them back up and running. It's an engineering sim as much as a management one, where it's your job to find a creaking, groaning, vintage locomotive and restore it to rightful, righteous condition.
I know a lot of people are different, but that's why the cycle of despair is worth it for me: when you crack it. When you find the solution, be it a stubborn transfer negotiation or a huffing and puffing attack that just needs a goal to let the weight off. To get moving, so the old leviathan croaks and churns and rumbles into life. That too is why it's so frustrating when Football Manager 2019 teases you with a whole new way of solving your problems, a new toolbox for tinkering, only to force you away with an astonishing, extraordinarily impenetrable way of actually using it.

Not so in Football Manager 2019. The 'Coaches' panel that was previously the focus of your brief but pleasant pre-season tinkering in years gone by is now just the sub-page of a sub-page.
On the face of it this is welcome. Depth is good, we like depth; more to figure out and optimise and lovingly caress into efficiency. The problem is that in chasing the dream of realistic day-to-day simulation of the life of a real manager Sports Interactive has created a monster. In FM19 you're no longer just in charge of hiring good coaches, setting a few extra rest days or assigning some additional focus for Rashford on his Finishing. You now have three sessions a day, seven days a week, 365 days - minus a couple weeks' summer holiday - a year to plan out.

Actually, I think perhaps it's the ultimate sin to put me in that position in the first place. Add depth, sure. Make it complicated. Make it hellishly convoluted if you like. Just present me with the information that I need to know, once I've figured out what the information that I need to know is, and a system that lets me easily put it into practice. In other parts of the game this will ring true: even when I do want to take a break from the more grating sides of management and, say, leave my Assistant Manager to talk to the press, I'm in control even as I relinquish it. I know my Assistant Manager's personality, and their tactical preferences, and their attributes, and I know that if they aren't right I can either hire a new Assistant Manager or handle the task myself. Training, by contrast, is automatically populated even when I'm in charge of it, but it's not clear who or what decides how its populated, or if it's basically fine as it is anyway.

In FM19 that was no longer the case: at Manchester United I had David De Gea get a high Training Rating, a good write up from the coaching staff, be in great form and condition and high spirits, and see a drop in attributes across the board. I tried the old method of criticising his effort only for him to politely and, quite rightfully, protest that he'd been training perfectly well thank-you-very-much. So what gives? Presented with moments like this, you're left with two unpalatable options: it's not supposed to happen, and you've found a bug; or it's supposed to happen, but there's no way to know why, or how to prevent it, or how to respond. It's disempowering, in a game about being in charge; asking you to solve a puzzle - or better yet, play a game - without first knowing the rules.
I appreciate this is an enormous amount of time to spend on one aspect of an already broad game, but it is an enormous aspect - I've covered about two of the seven tabs in the game's training section, and I've more to say about just them - and the vast ineffability of it kind of speaks to the point: that FM19's training overhaul is huge but hugely overambitious, like a promoted side spending its freshly minted Premier League cash on 23 new players, who are all probably quite good, but not thinking about how they might gel together. It is a genuine shame, because Football Manager 2019 is a lot more than one new system, and almost everything else works to perfection.

Tactically, Football Manager is the best it's ever been in 2019. The new presets, like the now famous Gegenpress of Jurgen Klopp, classic Catenaccio, or not one but two types of Tiki-Taka lend newer players a simple jumping-on point for tactical setups, or a starting template from which to tune and experiment and examples for how to build from scratch for the more experienced who want to make their own. There's no sense of requirement to conform to them, but having the pre-made tactics there gives you a good measure of what your Guardiolan ideal is supposed to look like in the textbook, so you have context for just how avant garde you then want to get with your own. An unintended downside, though, is that it also only worsens the perception of the game's spaghetti-bowl approach to the training system, when you compare them side-by-side.

Much of this has a direct impact on what you can ask your teams to do, allowing you to push your side more towards the Gegenpress extremes of the game than ever before, but some of it is more about adding to the illusion of control. It's just as important, and it brings me back to the original point. Football Manager is about feeling empowered, only in the opposite sense to usual video game empowerment. It's about being properly stumped, but feeling like you, the Boss, the Tinkerer, Le Professeur can crack it, if you're given the time. Where Football Manager 2019 understands that, it understands it better than anyone else, management sim or not. Where it's failed, its sky-high potential makes it all the more frustrating.