Ah, yes, I remember it so well. I was just a young lad when I arrived in Fyrestone for the first time. I met the Guardian Angel and Claptrap. I got some weirdly-named gun that shot fire at some giant bug thing. The original Borderlands: a retro classic.
What's that? Borderlands came out in 2009? That's only 10 years ago, so why on Earth is it in PlayStation's Retro Sale on the PSN Store?
Looking past the frightening revelation that the year 2009 is now deemed retro, there are actually a lot of classics (or remastered classics) at some excellent prices in this latest Retro Sale on the PSN Store.
Perhaps the best two deals of the lot are the Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy for £17.49 and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy for £17.49. Both, I believe, are the lowest prices for either set of games so far.
If you want physical copies, the next best offers are over at Amazon UK where the Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy is £24.99 on PS4 and £19.99 on Xbox One. Meanwhile, you can get Spyro for £19.99 on PS4 and £20.99 on Xbox One.
Back to the Retro Sale, you'll find a trio of point-and-click adventure favourites including Grim Fandango Remastered, Full Throttle Remastered and Day of the Tentacle Remastered for £3.99 a pop. These are easily three of the best games from the genre's golden era. Although, don't come shouting at me when you get stuck on the weight balancing puzzle in the woods in Grim Fandango. I'm still not sure how you actually solve that without random trial and error!

The PSN Retro Sale is live until 2nd October.
Sticking on the retro theme, it seems the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Mini is the best retro console yet according to John's review. You can secure yours for £69.99 from Amazon UK or $79.99 from Amazon US.
For something a bit more modern, you might want to take a look at the range of new PS4 controller colours that are now available. While over at Jelly Deals, we've got our picks for the best PS4 external hard drive if you need to add some storage space to your console and a roundup of the cheapest PS Plus prices.